90 Days to Financial Freedom


Investing in your financial future is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your relationships. Many times we are taught the importance of education for a good job, a gym membership for better health results, but rarely do we hear about investing in our financial health.

What is financial freedom worth to you? I desire to see you experience mental clarity, have unity in your marriage (if you are married), and reach your financial goals.

I offer a 1, 3, and 6 month programs to get you closer to the lifestyle you’ve been daydreaming about. Programs start at $300 and aim to serve individuals and couples who are budget conscious.

Program Overview

Discovery Consultation - Are you ready to make some significant financial changes? Schedule this free session to explore our financial fitness program options.

1-on-1 Sessions - We will have in person or online sessions to discuss your goals, your current financials, and make a plan for your future.

Clarity Calls - Schedule a quick call anytime throughout your program to ask questions or work through a financial hurdle.

Videos + Resources - Access to our library of printable worksheets, videos, and recommended reading.

Our Commitment

Confidentiality - Sharing your finances with anyone can feel like sharing a piece of you. It is intimate and can feel vulnerable. My commitment to you is to keep everything shared with me between us. Our money tell the story of our priorities but sometimes it tells the story of things we aren’t proud of as well. I am committed to keep this a safe space to explore all of your financial options.

Integrity - I will never ask you to do something that I myself wouldn’t be willing to do. I will always be honest with you. And I committed to treat you with professionalism and honor you as we pursue the financial future you desire.

Stay in my lane - I am not a Financial Planner, a CPA, or an attorney. I cannot give you advice about where to invest or how much to invest. I am a coach that comes alongside you to help you reach YOUR goals. In our time together we will create healthy habits with money, but if you are in a position where you need more - I will refer out as needed.


As a believer with the gift of generosity, I deeply desire my clients who are believers or not to be invited into the blessing of giving. I will not tell you where to give or how much to give, but I will encourage you to give.

Jesus said “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” and I want my clients to be blessed!

You aren’t a good fit if…

You are looking for a painless quick fix - This program is not for the faint of heart. You will only get the results you are willing to put in. I am simply here to give you the tools and encouragement you need to make your financial goals a reality.

You aren’t willing to invest in your financial future- There are plenty of books and podcasts that can help you learn how to set goals and work on your finances. My goal is to help you make better habits with accountability and tools. Like a personal trainer for your finances.

You think you’ve got a grip on your finances- You live paycheck to paycheck but don’t see much wrong with that. You aren’t bothered by your financial situation enough to make significant changes.

The Perfect Fit

You are willing to work hard - Hard work is inevitable when it comes to making big changes in your habits. If it wasn’t, more people would be more financially free.

You are willing to be honest with yourself about your current financial habits - Together we will look through all of the good, bad, and ugly. We can’t grow if we don’t know where we are starting from.

You are willing to sacrifice what you want now for what you want in the future - Delayed gratification is the name of the game. Sometimes we have so many things we desire to do with our money but we do not have the funds to do it all at once.

You are willing to humble yourself for the sake of your financial future - Making change can feel really vulnerable and family and friends will either be advocated for your financial health or they won’t. But ultimately the people pleaser in you has to be strong, and you inevitably will have to say no to someone you love.