Meet Your

Financial Fitness Coach

Hi, I’m Lexi and I am so glad you are here!

Chances are you are looking for some help with your finances. Whether you are in debt, looking to stop living paycheck to paycheck, cutback on spending, or simply getting on the same page with your significant other:

you are in the right place!

I am a wife, homeschool mom, and follower of Jesus. I absolutely love hospitality and living generously. I know that money can cause a ton of pain, but it can also lead to freedom to save, spend, and give in the way you see fit. So many of us feel like we can never get ahead or could never see eye to eye with our spouse. I’ve had those same discouraging thoughts, and I am here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way.

I coach women and married couples toward financial freedom.

Like a personal trainer for your fitness goals.

I’d love to sit with you over a cup of coffee and heart about your dreams, goals, and finances.

Together, we can build a framework around financial health and freedom tailored for you. 

As someone who has personally found myself in a financial crisis, struggled to discuss money in a healthy way with my spouse, and has seasons where I’ve spent too much, sometimes we simply need a third party to encourage us and give the right tools to get us back on track. 

Regardless of where YOU are financially - we all have goals for things like savings, travel, and retirement. Do you want to be debt free by a certain age? Do you want to travel 4+ weeks out of the year? Do you want you or your spouse to stay home with the kids?

I'd love to hear what you are dreaming about!